mpd in userspace with pulseaudio

create config for mpd:

vi ~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf

bind_to_address ""
music_directory "/home/jasiu/Music"
playlist_directory "/home/jasiu/Music"
#db_file "/var/lib/mpd/mpd.db"
#log_file "/var/log/mpd.log"
user "jasiu"
audio_output {
 type "pulse"
 name "My Pulse Output"
 server "localhost"
# server "remote_server" # optional
# sink "remote_server_sink" # optional

modify configuration of pulseaudio to allow play through tcp from localhost

# vi /etc/pulse/

add this line to config:

load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl=

If you do not want to restart your X session load desired module manually

$ pacmd load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl=

and finally start mpd in userspace

$ mpd –no-daemon –verbose

To play not in user space:

Add user mpd to pulse access and modify global config /etc/mpd.conf

audio_output {
 type "pulse"
 name "My Pulse Output"
 server "localhost"
# server "remote_server" # optional
# sink "remote_server_sink" # optional

modify /etc/pulse/

load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl= auth-anonymous=1

restart pulseaudio

$ pulseaudio -k

Try to play using yours favourite mpd player:
for example MPDroid for mobile phone or Sonata for non Windows environment

Problems installing mate-icon-theme on FreeBSD

Try to rebuild mapping util

# pkg which /usr/local/libexec/icon-name-mapping
/usr/local/libexec/icon-name-mapping was installed by package icon-naming-utils-0.8.90_1            
# portmaster -D icon-naming-utils

Just in case mount yours ports tree on /usr/ports

# mount -t nullfs /usr/jails/ports /usr/ports

Build and install package

# make install
===>  Installing for mate-icon-theme-1.18.2
===>  Checking if mate-icon-theme already installed
===>   Registering installation for mate-icon-theme-1.18.2
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/mate/16x16/actions/add.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/mate/16x16/actions/appointment.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/mate/16x16/actions/back.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/mate/16x16/actions/bookmark_add.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/mate/16x16/actions/bookmarks_list_add.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/mate/16x16/actions/bottom.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/mate/16x16/actions/centrejust.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/mate/16x16/actions/down.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/mate/16x16/actions/editclear.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/mate/16x16/actions/editcopy.png:No such file or directory


pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/menta/48x48/status/gnome-netstatus-txrx.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/menta/48x48/status/nm-adhoc.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/menta/48x48/status/nm-device-wired.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/menta/48x48/status/nm-device-wireless.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/menta/48x48/status/nm-no-connection.png:No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme/work/stage/usr/local/share/icons/menta/48x48/status/stock_open.png:No such file or directory
*** Error code 74

make: stopped in /usr/ports/x11-themes/mate-icon-theme

Create text file with output and create not existing files then finally install package

# make install > & output.txt
# cat output.txt | grep Unable | awk '{print $6}' | cut -d ':' -f 1 | xargs touch

# make install
===>  Installing for mate-icon-theme-1.18.2
===>  Checking if mate-icon-theme already installed
===>   Registering installation for mate-icon-theme-1.18.2
Installing mate-icon-theme-1.18.2...

slow graid mirror rebuild

Setting to lower value increases speed of rebuilding graid mirror and transfer on ada1 disk

root@thirdeye:/usr/ports # sysctl 10000 -> 1000000
root@thirdeye:/usr/ports # iostat 1 -1
       tty            ada0             ada1             ada2             cpu
 tin  tout  KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s  us ni sy in id
   0     3 59.55  18  1.06  114.09   7  0.80   6.10   2  0.01   2  0  1  0 97
   0   533 86.86  14  1.18  128.00   8  0.99   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   0   374 32.00   6  0.19   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   0   194 32.00   6  0.19   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   0   193 32.00   6  0.19   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   1  0  0  0 99
   0   190 80.00  16  1.23  128.00   8  0.99   0.00   0  0.00   1  0  1  0 99
   0   197 32.00   2  0.06   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   0   188 32.00   4  0.12   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   0   199 32.00   6  0.19   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 99
   0   194 96.00  12  1.14  128.00   8  1.01   0.00   0  0.00   3  0  0  0 97
   0   186 35.56   9  0.30   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   5  0  1  0 94
   0   195 108.80  20  2.16  128.00  16  2.03   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   0   200 32.00   4  0.13   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
^C   3   294 32.00   3  0.09   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   1  0  1  0 99
root@thirdeye:/usr/ports # sysctl 1000000 -> 10000
root@thirdeye:/usr/ports # iostat 1 -1
       tty            ada0             ada1             ada2             cpu
 tin  tout  KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s  us ni sy in id
   0     3 59.57  18  1.07  114.09   7  0.80   6.10   2  0.01   2  0  1  0 97
   0   536 126.54 478 59.02  127.74 473 58.95   0.00   0  0.00   7  0  2  0 91
   0   373 126.37 427 52.75  127.26 425 52.88   0.00   0  0.00  11  0  1  0 88
   0   196 127.16 459 56.94  128.00 448 56.06   0.00   0  0.00   2  0  1  0 97
   0   188 126.36 451 55.60  128.00 446 55.72   0.00   0  0.00   2  0  1  0 97
   0   205 126.31 387 47.78  127.34 386 48.04   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  1  0 99
   0   196 127.15 451 55.97  128.00 440 54.97   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 99
   0   196 126.73 456 56.40  128.00 457 57.09   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   0   197 126.09 434 53.39  128.00 423 52.83   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 99
   0   197 126.67 433 53.58  128.00 425 53.14   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   0   198 126.91 441 54.69  127.78 441 55.07   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 99
   0   196 127.24 420 52.20  127.70 417 52.02   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 99
   0   193 126.75 453 56.13  128.00 441 55.08   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 99
   0   199 127.14 452 56.16  128.00 454 56.79   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  3  1 96
   0   196 125.17 427 52.19  126.96 421 52.19   0.00   0  0.00   6  0  1  1 93
   0   195 125.48 417 51.09  128.00 398 49.75   0.00   0  0.00  15  0  3  0 82
   0   193 126.76 460 56.89  128.00 458 57.20   0.00   0  0.00   5  0  1  0 94
   0   198 126.66 434 53.62  128.00 428 53.56   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 99
   0   194 126.51 447 55.19  127.79 444 55.38   0.00   0  0.00   5  0  2  0 92
   0   200 127.11 441 54.70  128.00 433 54.07   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
   0   193 127.14 435 54.04  128.00 429 53.67   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  1 99
^C   2   227 127.02 450 55.80  128.00 449 56.08   0.00   0  0.00   0  0  0  0 100
root@thirdeye:/usr/ports # graid status
   Name    Status  Components
raid/r0  DEGRADED  ada0 (ACTIVE (ACTIVE))
                   ada1 (ACTIVE (REBUILD 46%))
raid/r1   OPTIMAL  ada2 (ACTIVE (ACTIVE))
                   ada3 (ACTIVE (ACTIVE))

MATE – Change DPI from command line

If You accidentally changed DPI to very high value and cannot revert to previous settings from GUI, use command line:

$ gsettings list-schemas | grep mate| grep font
$ gsettings list-keys org.mate.font-rendering
$ gsettings get org.mate.font-rendering dpi
$ gsettings set org.mate.font-rendering dpi 96

Thinkpad T500 trackpoint under Linux

Sensitivity and Speed
# echo -n 250 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/sensitivity
# echo -n 120 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/speed

For startup add this to script locted in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d

Press to Select
# echo -n 1 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/press_to_select

# pacman -S gpointing-device-settings

Emulate wheel, create file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-trackpoint.conf
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "Trackpoint Wheel Emulation"
MatchProduct "TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint|DualPoint Stick|Synaptics Inc. Composite TouchPad / TrackPoint|ThinkP
ad USB Keyboard with TrackPoint|USB Trackpoint pointing device|Composite TouchPad / TrackPoint"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
Option "EmulateWheel" "true"
Option "EmulateWheelButton" "2"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "false"
Option "XAxisMapping" "6 7"
Option "YAxisMapping" "4 5"